Welcome to Smart Art by JP. Here is your daily Smart Art Challenge for Monday, February 3, 2020.
Put your answer in the comments below, and be sure to share with your family and friends to see if they are as smart as you!
The answer is at the very bottom of
this post. I try to put it as far away from the picture so you don't see
the answer before you have a chance to guess.
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Submit Your Smart Art Idea or Drawing
Also, if you have a Smart Art idea or
drawing you'd like to submit for feature in Facebook and Instagram feed,
and daily blog, click here to learn more or simply submit your entry via email here.
Be sure to include a .jpg or .png file suitable for an Instagram post
(1080x1080 pixels, 1080x608 pixels, or 1080x1350 pixels), and your
username or website that you'd like us to give attribution or credit to.
Let's Get Social
Smart Art Answer:
Onion Ring
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